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Rex Brown Says He Quit DOWN

In the High Times interview we posted a few weeks back, Phil Anselmo told the stoner mag that Rex Brown couldn't stop drinking and that ultimately led to Rex getting fired from their band Down. The "Metal Maiden" interviewed Rex and his new band Kill Devil Hill, and he gave his side of the story, in which he claims he quit:

"I was playing with Down a whole bit and I just kind of got tired of the… You know, Philip and I had been together 23 years. And when I first met these guys [the rest of Kill Devil Hill] in January of this year, when I walked in and we played in the rehearsal room, it just clicked. The chemistry and everything that went along with it… I mean, it's so easy to say that, but really… I just said, 'To hell with it. This is what I wanna do.' . . . I didn't make an announcement at all [that I was leaving Down]; I just quit."

For those of you who don't remember what Phil said, he mentioned that drinking would eventually kill the former Pantera bassist if he didn't stop:

"That's the only rift between me and Rex; other than that, we're fucking best friends. He just can't stop fucking drinking. I've tried. I gave it my all and I love Rex Brown with all of my fucking heart and soul. But, goddamnit, he will not put down that fucking bottle for any of us. He is, and has been told, he is going to die. I'm gonna tell you this: He's not gonna die on my time, because he ain't drinking around 'The Kid.' Straight up. And that means he can't be around right now, 'cause he's fucking drinking. And that's that. That's that fucking story in a nutshell."


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