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Dude Murdered For Putting on LIMP BIZKIT

Here is some advice for you metalheads: when getting drunk with a roommate in Australia, don't put Limp Bizkit, because it could end in a murder. That's exactly what happened to one dude in Brisbane, Australia. Here is the scenario as described by the Brisbane Times:

Emmanuel McPherson, 48, objected when his flatmate, James Albert Madden, played a Limp Bizkit album on Mr McPherson's stereo. A fight then broke out, in which Mr Madden allegedly beat Mr McPherson to death. Mr Madden, 24, is on trial for Mr McPherson's murder. He pleads not guilty to the charge.

The two men and two women, Kila Jones and Lee Jolae, had been drinking at a unit they shared on Reilly Road at Nambour on May 25, 2009 when the violence broke out. The dispute reportedly began when Mr McPherson told Mr Madden not to touch his stereo and told him to turn the CD off.

A Brisbane Supreme Court jury was told Mr Madden hit Mr McPherson about the head with an alcohol bottle, punched him and stomped on his face as he lay on the floor. Mr Madden and Ms Jolae then bundled Mr McPherson in a sheet and doona before he was carried outside and placed in a shopping trolley.

Wow! I know people who hate Limp Bizkit, but to murder a guy over objecting? Seems like a bit much. Those crazy Australians. I wonder how Fred Durst feels knowing that something he created resulted in a dude being murdered. Proud, I would think.

[ via Brisbane Times ]

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