Slipknot made headlines a few weeks ago when they announced they would be burning literal camel shit and oil as the official scent of their weekend festival, Knotfest.
Well, if California officials have anything to do with it, and they do, that might not be happening. TMZ reports that San Bernardino county officials have put the kebosh on the oil burning as it's absolutely illegal to burn oil in California.
Slipknot said they aren't throwing in the towel just yet and they are trying to figure out an alternate solution so that their fans can reek of camel dung for days after the fest. As soon as last week, Clown has said they wouldn't be using oil. In a Rolling Stone report, Clown said:
Contrary to reports that claimed the dung would be mixed with oil, Crahan insists it will be au natural, heated with a slow burn over charcoal, "like we're doing ribs." As for where they will acquire three days' worth of camel dung? "Well, that's a good question," says Crahan. "I don't want to get anybody in any sort of accusations of wrongdoing or whatever, but you have to get it from a zoo probably. How you get it from the zoo is not my origin of expertise. I just put out the order and the captains go out and get it done."
Is there nobody around to mention to them this is not the best idea? Or am I just being old?