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BORN OF OSIRIS Guitarist Challenges THE ACACIA STRAIN Frontman To A Fight. Is This For Real?

I guess this is a thing now?

I guess this is a thing now?

We're not exactly sure what Born of Osiris guitarist Lee McKinney was drinking last night (Sept. 12) but whatever it was, it gave him the courage to call out The Acacia Strain frontman Vincent Bennett in a series of tweets.

It all started with Lee mocking The Acacia Strain:

lee vincent bennett feud 1

Then, the challenge:

Vincent Bennett saw the tweet and laughed it off:

Lee responds by calling him "fat boi"

And then, he didn't stop…

Lee seemed to indicate this is not a publicity stunt, although, I mean…

He later claimed his phone was stolen, but all the tweets are still up:

This might be the lamest start to a feud ever. I much preferred The Acacia Strain vs. Emmure.

[Thanks for the tip, Barney]

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