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GOATSNAKE Is Writing New Material For The First Time In Fourteen Years

Fourteen years later, Greg Anderson gets a little less drone-y.

Fourteen years later, Greg Anderson gets a little less drone-y.

Goatsnake, who haven't released an album since 2000's Flower of Disease, are currently riffing it up for some kind of new release! Whether that be a new EP, new album or whatever remains to be seen, but it seems safe to say the band will be doing something soon.The band announced their return to writing via Southern Lord's Facebook with the above picture and this caption:

"THE LORDS RIFF WORK-SHOP. …tons of NEW slippery GOATSNAKE riffage being written here in the RIFF-CAVE."

Goatsnake's guitarist is Greg Anderson, owner of Southern Lord and guitarist for Sunn O))), just in case you were wondering why Southern Lord was making that seemingly personal announcement.

I wonder what fourteen years between releases is going to sound like?

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