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You know how sometimes you go to a new restaurant and you try something new, and there are some redeeming qualities but you just can't forgive the bad parts? It's like that.


Okay, so the band's name is We Butter the Bread with Butter, which makes me highly skeptical of literally anything they will ever do no matter how good it may actually be. So anyway, "Das Uhrwerk" starts off pretty good. There's some guitar harmonies and a synth that's hanging out in the background. Then it gets into the verse, which is actually pretty cool. it uses the wah pedal nicely, there's some double bass, and then… oh fuck no. Please not a breakdown. Except it's a breakdown and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. It's bad. Then the verse comes around again with a nice synth melody over it, but in an annoying tone. Then more cool stuff, and the ending is actually pretty good with the pianos and orchestration. The overarching problem with the song is that it's a little cheesy and it just sounds like it's ending the whole time. There's no progression… it just happens. Theese guys could be way good if they'd work on the structure and writing, so I say skip this song and wait for them to mature a little… and change their name.

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