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IMMOLATION To Release A New Album In January

Writer's block delayed the album for a little while.

Writer's block delayed the album for a little while.

It's been three years since Immolation's Kingdom of Conspiracy, and unfortunately we're going to have to wait just a little bit longer for its followup. On the positive side of that statement, we're definitely getting a new Immolation album in 2017! Bassist and vocalist Ross Dolan tells Metal Wani (below) that the album is done, is currently going through a few mix tests, and that the album should be out by the end of January 2017.

"The new album is done. We're just finalizing the mixes right now. We're about seven rounds in, and we're expecting a couple more tonight, but we should be winding down, we should be tweaking just about everything we need to tweak right now. So that's just about done. The artwork is done. We're just waiting for a couple of the inside pieces to get finished up. So, yeah, we're just about there, and it's gonna be out at the end of January. So we're totally excited about that. It's gonna have eleven new songs, and, I guess, lyrically [and] conceptually, it carries on in a similar vein as 'Kingdom' and the Providence EP, and even a little bit of Majesty And Decay, so thematically, it's gonna be kind of similar to the last couple of releases. And musically, it's definitely Immolation.

Dolan says the band wanted the album to be out at the end of 2015, but writer's block played a role in delaying that.


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