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LAMB OF GOD Guitarist Says Hiatus Isn't Permanent, Hints The Band Will Work On New Music

So maybe a new album way down the line?

So maybe a new album way down the line?

Lamb of God will wrap up its tour with Slayer and Behemoth this month, at which point they'll go on a bit of a hiatus. While the term "hiatus" can be pretty ambiguous as to what a band's future holds, guitarist Mark Morton tells 107.7 The Bone in a new interview that the hiatus isn't permanent, and even hints that Lamb of God might take the time to chip away at some music.

If everyone recalls, Lamb of God did the same thing with VII: Sturm Und Drang in 2015. They announced a hiatus, stayed silent for a while, and then all of a sudden there was a new album.

"A lot of times, a hiatus… that's a subjective thing. 'Cause very often when we sort of go out of the public eye in terms of what we're doing as a band and things that are being publicized and doing interviews like this and that kind of thing, it doesn't mean we're not working. It takes us a fair amount of time to write and record these albums that we put out, so a lot of times we'll go off the radar and we're still working our little butts off to put music together, and then it comes out and then people hear it, and it's, like, 'Where did this come from?'

"We've been a band for a long time and we're a collective group of very creative people. I personally never stop making music — I'm always making music — so I think Lamb might go out of the public eye for a little bit, but it doesn't mean I'm not doing stuff. I guess that's the most diplomatic way I can address it. But we're certainly not done, and we've got a lot of cool stuff coming up, both individually and collectively."

Lamb of God also doesn't disappoint. So if the hiatus lasts a few years and we don't get a new record until say, 2019, it'll probably be worth the wait!

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