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MARGIN OF ERROR bloody things up with their new horror music video

Ohio's MARGIN OF ERROR recently released their newest album, What You Are About to Witness, and they seem to have started things off with a controversial bang.  In today's music video world, I find it all too common for bands to take the easy way out when it comes to making music videos.


It seems they are either just showing up for a video shoot and doing what they are told, or they are putting no thought into the art aspect of video making.  Well, I am finally happy to see something come out that is not your everyday video by way of MARGIN OF ERROR's newest video, "Your Life in Playback".

To start things off, the band had a lot of trouble getting websites to host their new video because of its content.  Eventually they were backed by which was a perfect fit.  I have heard mixed things about "old" and "new" MARGIN OF ERROR, and being that they have recently been popping up on my radar, I can only speak of the "new", and I really like it.  Aside from the sound of the music, the band took full creative control with their new music video and held nothing back as it is a quite graphic horror influenced video that displays a good dose of violence.

Whether you like music and video or not, you have to at least appreciate a band of their status willing to take such a risk and put their personal visions and flare for art before commercial success.



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