Mastodon has spent their time in quarantine working on a new album, which means drummer and vocalist Brann Dailor has been busy. Though not busy enough not to draw at least 101 clowns. Dailor tells Metal Hammer he's been drawing one clown daily throughout the entirety of quarantine. Why, you might ask? Mental health!
"It’s this meditation that’s been important to my mental health throughout this experience," said Dailor. "Everyone is dealing with it in their own way, but for me it was imperative that I sit down and do this. I draw these two clowns hugging, like, ‘I needed that’, you know what I mean?"
"Everybody’s fragile, and feeling kind of sad. Sometimes the clowns would pick them up, and sometimes the clowns would remind them of how special human relationships are and how much they miss everybody."
Hey, if it helps Dailor out during these trying times then more power to him. Plus the drawings are pretty damn good! Check a few out below, and check the rest out over at Metal Hammer.
As for the new Mastodon album, Dailor recently told Louder Soundit's "all over the map."
"It’s all over the map. There’s some big, big heavy riffs that are happening, so that’s what I’m into," said Dailor. "And then there’s some guitar gymnastics by Brent Hinds that have been some of the most difficult things I’ve tried to wrap my head around and play drums to.
"So there’s some super-progginess coming from him, and some really super, pretty moments. But there’s some rockers in there, too. There’s some heavy, fast stuff as well. But a lot of it is kind of doomy. But that’s where we’re at!"