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Metal Blade BATUSHKA Cancels Tour Dates Until Lawsuit From Former Member Is Over

The Krysiuk version isn't doing so hot.


The Batushka drama lives on! For those unfamiliar, Batushka released a phenomenal debut record titled Litourgiya in 2015. At the time, Batushka was multi-instrumentalist Kryzstof “Derph” Drabikowski and vocalist Bartłomiej “Bart” Krysiuk. The duo split with each other earlier this year and claimed they were both the real version of the band. Ultimately, Krysiuk's version signed with Metal Blade and released a new album called Hospodi, while Drabikowski's version released an album called Панихида currently available under the name Krzysztof Drabikowski.

The lawsuit between the two has not yet been settled completely and it seems like it's causing some pretty big issues for the Metal Blade version. According to Krysiuk, his version of Batushka has cancelled all North American and Australian tour dates "until a time where the dispute between Derph and myself is resolved." The Krysiuk version also states they're working on new music and will still tour Europe.

As has been reported, we have cancelled all up and coming international touring until a time where the dispute between Derph and myself is resolved.

Massive financial and bureaucratic undertakings are required to make international touring at this scale work, coupled with the daily firefighting of Batushka’s day-to-day business, it has taken it’s toll and we have reached our limit.

There is plenty to be positive about with regards to the legal situation surrounding Batushka – however, we expect a lengthy process and despite mediation with Derph and I, we are no closer to resolving our differences.

We plan to reconvene and carry on preparing new music. Our European dates will continue on – naturally a lot less stressful. We apologise to our international fans but we hope you understand!

Honestly, I don't even think this is a lawsuit matter at this point in terms of popularity. I genuinely think fans want the Drabikowski version over the Krysiuk version, or at least for both parties to reconvene. Which seems unlikely at this point.

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