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Metal Science

BREAKING: Metal Fans Like Drugs & Alcohol According To New Study

Since WHEN?

Since WHEN?

A new study from suggests that metal fans most likely enjoy consuming alcohol and drugs. Say what?

The study asked 970 music fans (they don't specify how many were metalheads). They asked the age when they first started consuming these substances and why.

What is the most used substance at live shows? Not surprisingly it's the only one that's legally sold at the venue – alcohol, followed by marijuana which is becoming legal in more and more states:

BREAKING: Metal Fans Like Drugs & Alcohol According To New Study

But which genre parties the hardest? Metal is not the hardiest partiers, we are #2. EDM takes the top spot, which would make sense – those things are just an excuse to do some Molly anyway.

BREAKING: Metal Fans Like Drugs & Alcohol According To New Study

The survey notes that heavy metal fans get their first experience with alcohol at an average of 19 years old. Two in five heavy metal fans said they consume intoxicants "to reduce feelings of social anxiety." Metal fans drink more booze than fans of any other genre, except for alternative and metal fans use more hallucinogens than fans of any other genre, save for EDM and indie rock. Metal fans weren't in the top three for marijuana use though, that belongs to reggae, hip hop and EDM. Just recently CBD oils are becoming a choice for many fans.

Read the entire study here.

Here are some more recent studies on metal:

[via Loudwire]

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PSA: If you're drinking a beer, stay away from the pit.