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METALLICA Admits They Might Be Getting Too Old To Play Metal

Oldtallica is old.

Oldtallica is old.

It's no secret Metallica are getting up there in age, they are all around 50 years old, which brings up the dreaded question in fans' minds of when the band might call it a day. Instead of pretending like that isn't happening, the band were asked what it's like to be older and still playing physically demanding music in an interview with Kerrang! The results are at least a little disheartening. Guitarist Kirk Hammett admits his arms aren't what they used to be…

"It's the physical aspect. Tendonitis, tinnitus, ligament atrophy, accidents, repetitive stress injury, tennis elbow… those things creep into the mix. It's like, 'Fucking hell, man, I want to play guitar, but my shoulder and elbow are screaming 'no!' Your head wants to do one thing and your body wants to do another thing. That's a big obstacle that we'll have to confront in our individual way."

While frontman James Hetfield speaks on behalf of the band and full-on admits they're just getting old.

"Sometimes my throat just says, 'Fuck you, James, not tonight!' Or Lars' shoulder, or Rob's [Trujillo, bass] leg cramps, or Kirk's knee, whatever it may be, we've all got our things and we work through it. We just pay attention to them!"

Then there's drummer Lars Ulrich, who says wonder aloud how much longer the band can keep it up.

"The main thing that I truly don't feel that I can really help shape is the physical side of what we do. It's getting tougher and tougher. I don't know how long it can last in terms of the physicality of it — can we do this when we're 60 at this level? At 70?"

It's sad to think at some point these guys are going to hang it up, but at the same time does the world really need 70-year old Metallica up on stage butchering all their songs? I say once they can't do it up to par anymore then just call it a day. The band clearly has at least a few more years in them, and the fans are all eagerly anticipating a new album.

[via Blabbermouth]

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