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Nergal Continues To Suggest BEHEMOTH Might Be Done

Could The Satanist have been the final Behemoth album? Maybe.

Could The Satanist have been the final Behemoth album? Maybe.

Could The Satanist have been the final Behemoth album? Maybe.

Last September, frontman Nergal teased the band might call it quits.

A few months ago, that statement changed to Behemoth considering going on hiatus so he could focus on his solo record. Seeing as though he's already teased solo material on his Instagram.

In a new interview with Inferno TV, Nergal certainly fans the flames of speculation when talking about the band's recent, critically acclaimed album, The Satanist. Basically, he feels it's so perfect and so revered, he thinks he might not be able to top it:

It was the first time we stopped overthinking and we just grabbed instruments and just… I would just punch chords. And that's what you hear on the record. So the music that you hear was exactly what was played here [points to his chest].

I've always been known for overanalyzing and just being very intellectually driven. So in the context of The Satanist, I tried to limit the impact that my brain [had] on the record, and rather than thinking too much [while making] the record, I would just start feeling it and trying to bring out my emotions and channel them through riffs, through music and make the music as natural as possible, and that's what you hear on the record.

I mean, I'm overwhelmed, honestly. I know it's suspicious when all the people like the record, and when media praises the record, but that's what's happening in this particular case. I just had this feeling this is definitely our opus magnum. I'm not sure if it should be continued after such a… I'm just being honest here. I'm so happy with the record and the response and everything. It's been a year now, and I haven't really done any extreme metal music ever since, because I'm so happy with what's happening now. So we're just gonna give it some time. And let's just talk one or two years down the road and see what happens then. But we're definitely gonna take time.

The emphasis added was mine. For the time being, it looks like Nergal is over extreme metal. The fact that his teaser was a quick video of him and an acoustic guitar, it further adds to the story that we might not see Behemoth again for a long time.

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