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PENTAGRAM's Bobby Liebling Arrested For First Degree Assault of "Vulnerable Family Member"

The victim is believed to be his mother.

The victim is believed to be his mother.

Last month, Pentagram announced they would be touring without frontman Bobby Liebling, as a direct result of Bobby's "personal actions," while making references to addiction recovery. In a new statement today, they seemed to imply Liebling was in some sort of legal trouble:

“Bobby called on April 17 saying he had been admitted to the hospital. He called again on April 19, this time after being transferred to a Maryland detention facility. He’s now awaiting a preliminary hearing at which time it will be determined if a follow-up on any alleged charges are necessary. An update will be published when information is available. The band will be fulfilling all currently booked appearances with 36-year mainstay guitarist Victor Griffin performing all vocals.”

A tipster contacted MetalSucks and this is where the story gets very strange:

According to public records from the Maryland Judiciary (below), Liebling was arrested on April 10 for first-degree assault, one count of physical abuse of a “vulnerable adult,” and two counts of abuse against a “vulnerable adult” who is also a family member. All four charges are from the same date and were, presumably, against the same vulnerable family member.

From that point, social media posts by former Pentagram drummer Gary Isom would suggest the victim was Liebling's 86 or 87-year-old mother, Diana. Shortly after Liebling's arrest, Isom posted well wishes on social media to Diana Liebling, writing: “Thoughts and prayers sent out to Mrs. Diane Liebling… I don’t care for Bobby but his mother is a super sweet lady.”

A few weeks after Isom wrote this:

“What do you guys think about high-profile celebrities committing acts of domestic violence and getting away with it because there is a lot of money at stake and their careers could possibly somewhat ruined because of it? should they be treated differently? Should acts of domestic violence just be swept under the rug like it never happened further enabling the aggressor Or should they be exposed and properly delt with to the fullest extent of the law?”

So things don't seem to look good for Bobby. We should point out that it's not known for certain that it was Bobby's mother who was the victim of his assault. Liebling has a history of drug abuse, and has a documented history of living with his parents. It should be pointed out that Liebling is 63-years-old.

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