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Phil Anselmo Is Working On "A Secret Death Metal Project" & New SUPERJOINT RITUAL Music

So you're going to be hearing a lot of Anselmo in 2015…

So you're going to be hearing a lot of Anselmo in 2015...

Hey, remember when we were talking about Superjoint Ritual going on tour this year and I was speculating that a new album was in the works? Score one for me!

In a recent interview with Spooky Empire, vocalist Phil Anselmo made some really interesting revelations. He admitted that there's definitely a new Superjoint Ritual album in the works, as well as a Phillip H. Anselmo and the Illegals record and some random death metal project that he can't/won't disclose.

“Been writing new Superjoint, been writing new Illegals, been writing… actually I’m in a secret death metal project with some secret other guys from across the equator…”

Hmmm… maybe it's the dudes from King Parrot? Anselmo seems to be friends with those dudes well enough and they're from Australia, so there's that. He also seems very fond of the band Portal, maybe they're involved? Obviously this is pure speculation. Who do you want to be in this group with Phil?

[via The PRP]

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Apparently this was an issue between King and management, too.