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SUNN O)))'s GREG ANDERSON reveals new album plans

sun0Our comrades at MetalSucks recently scored an interview with guitarist GREG ANDERSON of ambient metal droners SUN O))). Anderson, who also co-founded prominent avant-metal label Southern Lord (BORIS, SAINT VITUS, EARTH,) revealed that his band's seventh album will be graces us sometime in the next few months, while spilling the beans on some exciting new Southern Lord releases. The interview reads, in part:

MetalSucks: What's it like to live the dual life of a working musician and a record label owner? Do you ever find those two things to be at odds with each other? How do you balance the needs of the label with life on the road?

Anderson: I actually think that potentially it can be the best way a label is run. As a musician who is running a label I have empathy for other artists/musicians and try to treat bands on the label how I would want a label to treat me. I think many other labels do not have this insight into the minds of their bands. These days I don't do much touring but when I'm out on the road I have a kick ass staff that takes care of business while I'm away.

MetalSucks: What do you think of the state of the overall metal scene today? Any new bands that are impressing you?

Anderson: It is very rare that a new band catches my interest these days. Part of the problem is that there are simply too many bands out there and it becomes harder to separate the wheat from the chaff. EAGLE TWIN and BLACK COBRA are 2 exceptions to this. Both bands' vigilant heaviness resonated immediately with me. Eagle Twin is comprised of one of my favorite guitar players: GENTRY DENSLEY, whom I met in the late eighties, and his work with Iceburn and other groups has always been a favorite of mine. Black Cobra to me embody several elements that a lot of bands lack these days. Their DIY ethos and relentless battering set them apart from many. I have also been enjoying: THOU and BLACK BREATH as of late.

MetalSucks: What's in the near future for both Sunn O))) and Southern Lord?

Anderson: 2009 is going to be an exciting year for both Southern Lord and Sunn O))). Southern Lord has several killer releases coming in the first half of the year. The debut solo album from SCOTT "WINO" WEINRICH (Saint Vitus, OBSESSED, THE HIDDEN HAND) entitled: "Punctuated Equilibrium," [read the MetalSucks review], the debut album from Norwegian black metal band ORCUSTUS (featuring members of ENSLAVED, GORGOROTH). The third studio album from Northwest Black Metal band WOLVES IN THE THROWN ROOM. And the albums from the two bands mentioned above: Eagle Twin and Black Cobra. The seventh Sunn 0))) studio album "Monoliths/Dimensions" will be released in April or May. The second half of the year is also starting to take shape and this may go down as our most prolific and eclectic year as a label yet!

Check out the rest of the interview, which includes Mr. Anderson's takes on CANNIBAL CORPSE, METALLICA, and the "hipster metal" label, right here.

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