The Faceless and The Zenith Passage recently played a show at the Lookout Lounge in Omaha, NE. After the show was over, the venue presumably cleared out, though with even less than it had started the night with – club employee Walter was down one e-cigarette. To make matters even worse, surveillance video footage showed that the thief was The Zenith Passage drummer Luis Martinez.
Here's what Walter had to say, with the accompanying footage courtesy of Lambgoat.
"Someone from The Zenith Passage came in my place of employment at roughly 12:40am on tuesday looking for a lost wallet. In the process they STOLE my electronic cigarette, which retailed at well over a hundred dollars. I am angry. I have video evidence. Fuck liars, fuck thieves. Share this so promoters and fans know who they are dealing with."
Right. So that's kind of fucked up, but at the very least The Faceless tried to make things right with Walter, offering him "a new electronic cigarette for you, and give you free tickets to our next show in your city. Please email our manager, and we will send you money for a new electronic cigarette."
The Zenith Passage also apologized, as well as its drummer separately, saying Luis was "drunk," which is weird because the dude is walking noticeably like a very un-drunk person, goes directly for the e-cigarette, and then immediately bails. Y'know, all cognizant-like.
"Hey Walter, we assume responsibility for our drummer Luis taking the e cigarette. We had absolutely no idea what happened that night with him as he was drunk and has no memory of it happening, nor is it a true judgement of his character. We completely apologize. Please don't cast judgement on The Faceless as they had no involvement and also had no clue. Luis will be contacting you shortly for mailing address to send it back. Once again apologies and we hope you will forgive Luis and his dumb, drunken actions."
And then here's Martinez's apology as well.
"I take responsibility for my actions and deeply apologize. As was said I was black out drunk with no memory of what happened even though thats still no excuse and isnt a good judgement of my character. As we all know when people get black out drunk their judgement and decisions are no longer in the hands of your logical self. I'd also like to apologize to the venue and all of you just a mistake made by impaired judgement. Walter and I have made amends and have made arrangements to clear things up. The Faceless had nothing to do with this neither did my band mates."
I mean, yeah fine, the band apologized and everything, but getting drunk and doing something really fucking stupid doesn't make it less bad just because you were drunk.