If you are looking to find music notation to play your instrument better, there is a lot of information out there. It might seem like an impossible task to find the suitable digital notation for your needs. That's why we have compiled this list of ways you can find digital notations.
1. Check Out Online Music Stores
The internet has made it possible for musicians to find sheet music, tablature, and other types of notations that they can play. You can download printable PDF sheet music here. One good thing about downloading music this way is that you can print it as many times as you want and use it in various ways. Digitalization has been a blessing for music listeners too. Applications like Spotify have become very popular to enjoy all kinds of music. Spotify promotion is also available to attract music lovers. It's also straightforward to navigate the store because everything has been placed into categories for different instruments, styles, or difficulty levels.
2. Ask for Recommendations on Musician's Forum
When visiting musicians' forums, you will often be asked about what it is that you're looking for. If someone asks a question with the same topic, they may know where to start. This way, you'll have a new resource to look at, and they can get some more engagement on their boards.
3. Consider Online Retailers
Online retailers like Amazon or eBay have a vast selection of sheet music available, and they are often cheaper than if you were to purchase it at your local store.
4. Find a notated piece of music you like, then look up the score on YouTube or SoundCloud
Finding a piece of notated music that you like is vital to this process. If possible, find something with the same instrument and difficulty level as your current repertoire, so you're playing alongside an example.
Once you know what they are looking for, go through their list of scores uploaded on YouTube or SoundCloud until one works out well enough for what type of song it needs to be played in.
5. Download an app that can help you play more advanced pieces of music by using symbols and numbers on a screen
Many mobile applications can digitize music notation and allow a musician to play along with their instrument. Many of these apps are designed for guitarists, so check out an app specifically made for your instrument before downloading one that is not tailored to your needs.
Some popular options include:
· Notion (iPad)
· Guitar Toolkit – Metronome + Tuner + Chords Library (iPhone)
· Musician's Friend Interactive Guitar Tablature Finder (web browser).
6. Consult with your Music Teacher
Your music teacher will know best which notation to use for your instrument. Ask them about the different types of notes and what is most appropriate.
Your music teacher will also be able to provide you with an example piece that features this type of notation, making it easier for you to practice when practicing at home.
The key to finding music notation is knowing what you are looking for and where to find it. After reading this article, hopefully, that will be a much less daunting task! You may be able to get started with a simple Google search or by talking with someone at your local music store.