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TOBIAS FORGE Was Furious When GHOST Fans Were Forced To Remove Their Face Paint To Enter A Concert

"It was an initiative taken by some of the security people, who didn’t approve of the band"


Ghost devotees, widely known for their distinctive face paint and elaborate costumes, recently found themselves caught in an unforeseen storm of disappointment during the band's show at the Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre in St. Louis, Missouri.

Security personnel demanded they scrub off their Papa Emeritus-inspired makeup before entering the concert venue. Ghost aficionados, who take their appearances as seriously as the music, were left scrambling.

The band swiftly issued a statement, affirming their commitment to creative expression. Now, in an exclusive interview with Metal Hammer, Tobias Forge, shared his initial reaction to the face paint fiasco. "I was furious," he admitted.

“The story that I heard was that it was an initiative taken by some of the security people, who didn’t approve of the band. They didn’t like what we were doing so they wanted to be mean to these kids, and those kids were really, really upset with that. They told them it was a band requirement. That was upsetting to me. We would never ask that of our fans. We want them to dress up, we want them to come and have fun.”

In the same interview, Forge delved into how Ghost concerts have become a sanctuary for misfits and outcasts, a place where everyone is welcome, a place where you can truly be yourself. "Over the years, I've come to understand that a lot of our fanbase are, in one way or another, outsiders or that their lives are lonely or they're struggling with something," he notes. "It feels like there's a lot of hurt among our fanbase, and I want to address that. They've found a kind of belonging being in this group of Ghost fans."

The band's next steps are shrouded in mystery, with rumors about the next chapter already buzzing, and the possibility of a live album in the works. One thing remains certain: their commitment to their fans and the unwavering message of acceptance.

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