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TOOL Offer Update on New Album

One day closer to a new TOOL album, are we?

One day closer to a new TOOL album, are we?

Will 2015 finally be the year that TOOL releases a new album? The band have been working on new material for a few years now, and last summer they said they hoped to have it out last year, leading to hope that we may finally hear something. But that didn't happen, and part of the reason is a crazy multi-million dollar lawsuit the band is currently embroiled in. The last we heard, the band were "pretty far along" in October, with a photo surfacing of Maynard in the studio with the band, a sign that lyrics are being worked on, which is usually the final step of the Tool process.

But where are they now, a few months later? Yesterday, the band offered the following update:

Sure, that's great news. But how about some real news? Like how many tracks are complete? Is the whole album written? Are they still writing? The world wants to know!

The update lead to some hilarious memes being posted in the comments of the post, with the featured image up top being my favorite. Some other great ones:

tool meme 4

tool album 3

tool meme 2

tool meme 1

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