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Is Adam D. forming a death metal supergroup with George 'Corpsegrinder' Fisher and Shannon Lucas?

Normally, I don't like to throw around the term "supergroup" because I feel the term has been basterdized anytime any group of people from separate bands come together for a project. I much prefer the term all-star group. But, if Adam D. is in fact working with George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher of Cannibal Corpse and Shannon Lucas, drummer extraordinary of Black Dahlia Murder then I feel supergroup is very appropriate. Here is what Adam D said in a recent interview with Lithium magazine:

And lastly, what is currently on your schedule for the rest of your year? Are you producing anything / writing anything?
Adam: As of right now, Times of Grace is going to go to Australia in September. After that we’re talking about maybe another tour, but we’ll see how that goes. Right now, I think the priority is for me to get writing with my other band. I’d actually like to try and record my other side project as well. I want to get that out.

What side project is that?
Adam: It’s a death metal side project with the drummer from Black Dahlia Murder and the singer from Cannibal Corpse.

Why is this so exciting? Because all three of these guys are masters in their field. Lucas is an exceptional drummer, and you would be far pressed to find a more revered death metal vocalist than George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher. As far as production goes, I am interested to hear how Adam D. would make a death metal record sound. One thing is for sure Adam, you have our attention!

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