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OZZY OSBOURNE Is "Back To Normal" After Scary Injury Resulting In Tour Cancelation

His son, Jack, provides an update.

His son, Jack, provides an update.

After a serious bout with pneumonia that landed the Prince Of Darkness in the hospital, Ozzy suffered a second injury and ended up canceling the remainder of his dates for this year, on doctor's orders.

It was an unpleasant injury as his wife Sharon described on her talk show, The Talk, saying Ozzy fell in the middle of the night and dislodged metal rods in his back, neck and shoulders from an old injury. Thankfully, Ozzy is doing fine after the fall.

His son, Jack, was making the rounds promoting his new show on The Travel Channel, Portals To Hell, and when asked about Ozzy's status by The Jenny McCarthy Show he responded: "He's doing really well. He's good. He's getting back on his feet, so he's good."

In an interview with People, Jack elaborated saying:

"He's doing good. He's back to being his cynical old self, [which] is always a good sign. When he's complaining about mundane things, you know he's good. Yeah, he's back to normal. When everything on TV sucks and everything in the house is broken, he's in a good spot."

Ozzy previously announced that the touring plans for this year are looking to be rescheduled for February 2020. Fans who held onto their original tickets will still see the seats honored, but refunds are also available.

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