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Watch The VIP Of A MESHUGGAH Live Show, The Light Guy, In Action!

If you've seen Meshuggah in the last year or two (and if you haven't, shame on you!), you've certainly noticed that Meshuggah have really upped their lightning game. To summarize the experience in one phrase: "Whoa!" Now, we get to learn just how insane their light show really is.

Meet Edvard Hansson, the sixth man so to speak in Meshuggah, their lightning tech. You'd think that Meshuggah's lighting is all programmed, but then you'd be wrong. Look at this guy in action:


Needless to say, Hanson shreds just as hard as Fredrik Thordendal or Mårten Hagström. This is really eye-opening to see and gives me a new respect for Meshuggah's light show. Too bad I won't get to see it for another few years since the 'shug are done with their touring cycle on their latest release, Koloss.

[via The Monolith]

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