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Oh, Danzig

DANZIG Says MISFITS Wouldn't Have Made It Today Because of Cancel Culture

glenn danzig spaghetti western

Glenn Danzig is promoting his next cinematic masterpiece, Death Rider in the House of Vampires, scheduled to come out later this year and he offered quite a few incredible soundbites in a new interview with Rolling Stone.

For example, Danzig, being a film auteur, is none too pleased that most movie theaters are still closed. The movie is planned for a June release, but would've been released sooner if it weren't for these damn restrictions. “You can go to theaters in most places. You go to the supermarket and [can] be around a million people, but you can’t go to a theater? You can sit on an airplane right next to a motherfucker, but you can’t go to a theater socially distanced? How does that make sense?” I don't recall spending 90 to 120 minutes in a supermarket, but I guess we shop differently.

Also, while getting off on a tangent about Misfits, and some of their songs, Danzig went off on cancel culture.

Speaking about their classic, "Last Caress," Danzig said "It’s just a crazy-ass song. We would do things just to piss people off." When asked if the song is just about the most fucked up things Danzig could think of, Danzig agreed saying "Part of it, yeah. Like, “Fuck everybody. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck the world.” And that was pretty much the attitude. It was just like, “Fuck your system, fuck all this bullshit.”

"It was something else. I don’t think people will ever see anything like it again. There won’t be any new bands coming out like that. Now, they will immediately get canceled."

He elaborated "People don’t understand, because everything’s so cancel-culture, woke bullshit nowadays, but you could never have the punk explosion nowadays, because of cancel culture and woke bullshit. You could never have it. It would never have happened. We’re lucky it happened when it did, because it’ll never happen again. You won’t have any of those kinds of bands ever again. Everyone’s so uptight and P.C., it’s just like, “OK, whatever.”"

For some reason that last night reminded me of this classic Liam Lynch song.

Would Misfits be canceled today? I'm not sure. Cannibal Corpse just released a pretty gruesome record and nobody canceled them. I guess we'll never know.

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