This week on the Livecast, we began the show talking about all the broads Sean boned. The talk quickly shifts to Rob meeting some chick at a show, and then the show seemingly morphed into Loveline. Rob then discussed the Suicidal Tendencies show and his opinions on Mike Muir. When we came back for the second hour, Sean had a crazy idea about a new contest that you can read about under the playlist. We then played a special version of Thrash It or Trash It, where each host picked a song and we got Shlomo, Mongoose Commander and Pizza Destroyer to judge the tracks. It came out awesome! We ended the show with a great story about a grandma and a wrestling promoter. Here is this week's playlist:
Decapitated – Three-Dimensional Defect
Suicidal Tendencies – Subliminal
Landmine Marathon – Shadows Fed To Tyrants
Behemoth – Slaves Shall Serve
Genghis Tron – Laser Bitch
Sean's Contest: Leave a comment on this post with your idea for a dumb (small) tattoo for Sean to get on his calf muscle. In two weeks (on Dec. 1st) we will vote on what the best/dumbest idea is and then Sean WILL ACTUALLY GET THE TATTOO by the following week.
Another contest: We had Shlomo sing the Dreidel Song acapella and we want you guys to create a metal cover! UPDATE: Here is a track with Shlomo's signing isolated