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If you had imagined the marriage of Cryptopsy's None So Vile and Insect Warfare's Gulf Coast Infestation, Pissgrave would be a resulting birth of that. Ultimately death metal in execution, the band leaves little room for bullshit and less room to breath.


Album Review: PISSGRAVE Suicide Euphoria

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It's….it's been a long time since I heard something this raw. That's it. That's my introduction to this whole spiel. And once you here the filth, the rage, the pussing degeneracy that this album has shoveled onto its track contents you'll see why. There's plenty of bands that can hodgepodge a raw album together with little effort to cover up its mistakes, but Pissgrave and their debut album Suicide Euphoria don't care for an iota of a second. The rapid on-set death metal that they sling at us leaves only room for rage and disgust.

If you had imagined the marriage of Cryptopsy's None So Vile and Insect Warfare's Gulf Coast Infestation, Pissgrave would be a resulting birth of that. Ultimately death metal in execution, the band leaves little room for bullshit and less room to breath. If the intro to “Perpetual War” weren't clear enough, the band isn't big on formalities. There's no bullshit introduction (thank Sithis); the album simply blasts onto speakers never stops the onslaught. Suicide Euphoria gives you everything you need to know in the first thirty seconds. Guitars, drums, bass—all extremely lo-fi. But Tim Mellon's (also of Baltimore, MD's Oak) vocals sound like they were recorded through a cracked PVC pipe.

Pissgrave is the kind of death metal band that carries itself with a grindcore attitude. Perhaps you’re familiar with the crossed out ti-ti; the “noise, not music” mentality. Pissgrave is a band that carries that sort of mentality, allowing themselves to sound so introverted they could give someone claustrophobia. It's the sort of thing that traps you and douses the you in track after track of pure depravity. Something that is stripping flesh from bone with every demonic grunt and shout. And there's no mercy.

Songs aren't short, as they range around the three to four minute mark. And, yes, there are actual structures to the things, but they still feel abandoned. If listening to this you though the band gave a shit for a second, well, they probably did, and it's on the human remains in the album artwork. There's such a relentless savagery here though that structure, regardless of presence, still feels abandoned. Pissgrave pick up, do their thing, and whatever remains in their wake of slaughter are necessary sacrifice. Is it atonal? Yeah. Can you understand a fucking thing Mellon says? Nope. Those are the things that string this album along so well and make it feel horrifying.

Once Pissgrave exit with “Blood Fog” it's almost like they just walked away and leave the listener on the floor. It's one of the nearest things to a perfect slaughter that one is likely to find in 2015. Suicide Euphoria comes out of practically nowhere. With only a demo to their credit, Pissgrave just seemed to walk into this one with cleaver in and and swing it around for thirty minutes, sparing no one in its path. It's the kind of album that would be a perfect soundtrack to the murder scenes of movies like 100 Tears. Suicide Euphoria isn't for everyone. But neither is overly produced death metal. I won't be surprised when they pen the next Noise Grind Power Death. Pissgrave is a band to watch out for. And one of the few genuinely threatening units.


You can stream all of Suicide Euphoria at CVLT Nation.

And you can find me here.

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