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Puig Destroyer, baseball's only grind band, I think, has unleashed their first album via No Sleep Records. Some of you may have heard of them as they boasting two fairly popular releases, a self titled demo, and the Wait for Spring EP. And if you haven't heard of them because you're a baseball and/or a grindcore fan, let's just say this: they fucking rule.


Album Review: PUIG DESTROYER Puig Destroyer

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“I don't know what you hate, I suppose it could be anything, but just for a moment imagine you hate Baseball.” -J.R. Hayes excerpt from The Atheist (2012)

Without going any further into that piece, that is exactly what I think of whenever I think about or hear Puig Destroyer. Excuse the following anecdote, but it'll help put some of this review in perspective: as a non-baseball fan and person who grew up near Lambeau Field, and was born from the bloodline of seemingly endless jocks (my family is about ninety people strong including first cousins once removed, largely male, and are extremely athletic), sports as been something that's taken some effort to remove myself from.

I don't understand baseball. I barely played it as a kid. The only thing I know about it is that parking in front of bars during Redsocks and Yankees games is supposed to be a gas because people fist fight to no end. I mean, like Word War III is on.

Puig Destroyer, baseball's only grind band, I think, has unleashed their first album via No Sleep Records. Some of you may have heard of them as they boasting two fairly popular releases, a self titled demo, and the Wait for Spring EP. And if you haven't heard of them because you're a baseball and/or a grindcore fan, let's just say this: they fucking rule. This band riffs monstrously and burns through songs like a [insert baseball simile here].

Puig Destroyer is the first proper full-length from the band. Twenty dizzying tracks of slamming, bursting, baseball madness. Those that have heard previous material will notice right off the bat (Haha…finally got a baseball reference in there) that Puig Destroyer are pulling from more than just the grindcore genre. While the EPs sprinted over trails of gun powder, hitting one explosvie riff after another, Puig Destroyer is a moodier bit. The opener “Baseball: The Best” is almost somber like something written by a downtrodden progressive hardcore band. And it isn't an unwelcome change, it adds new and surprising flavor to the album.

There's also the odd times when it feels like Puig Destroyer is walking the metalcore line. “Flags Fly Forever” crams hardcore-punk attitude, fast, choppy riffs only to fall into a muted two-stepper. Though its got an anthem attitude to it through and through, gang chanting the title of the song. “Three True Outcomes” steps right in with a light, metallic lead while keeping the tune down. However once the blast kicks in the song is on speed until the end.

The album is still plenty grindcore. The whole experience clocks in at just under twenty-five minutes, with plenty of pieces falling between thirty and forty seconds, and only two songs clocking in at or above the two minute mark. The production is a fairly clean game with a huge emphasis on the metallic sounds. Though not quite like Wait For Spring which sounded like it was mastered at maximum volume in a tin shed. There's a more balance within. The drums come through solid and thick while the guitar and bass sound chunky heavy. Vocals are also brought up further than they were in previous releases. It's overall not as raw as their previous two but still a banger (see: “Road to Omaha”).

Puig Destroyer is, unlike baseball, a quick puncher. And while their name is both a reference to Pig Destroyer and…Yasiel Puig (I really have no idea), they manage to do what they're damn good at: make great grindcore with a lot of breakdowns and blast beats. If you go into this expecting them to sound like Pig Destroyer, know that they don't in anyway. Puig Destroyer is a grindcore/metallic hardcore fusion. Less groove oriented (though not lacking) and more focused on hitting hard and breaking things down. The pit level for these guys live is going to be flying. But overall, this a solid debut album that has a lot of fun with its content. Do I understand it? No. Now, how can I end this…?

Take me out to see Puig Destroyer

Take me out and we'll grind

Get me there as soon as you can

In under twenty minutes

It'll already be the next band

Because it's baseball grindcore

Which I've never seen (live)

And if I don't that's a shame

Because it's one, two,

Three hundred tracks

And then the next band is on stage


As always, you can find me here.

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