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Not only are Cauldron one of the most fun bands out there today, they also understand the fundamental nature of speed metal and will get your heart racing and body shaking. Fully aware of their own bombast, Cauldron speed forward with a preternatural magic, the overwhelming bliss of their music resonating with the listener and forcing you to take the band into your heart.


Album Review: CAULDRON In Ruin

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It's been a while since we've heard anything new from Cauldron, much less a full length, and that's a huge part of what made me so excited for their upcoming record In Ruin. Not only are Cauldron one of the most fun bands out there today, they also understand the fundamental nature of speed metal and will get your heart racing and body shaking. Fully aware of their own bombast, Cauldron speed forward with a preternatural magic, the overwhelming bliss of their music resonating with the listener and forcing you to take the band into your heart. Cauldron have started to mature, but they still know what makes their fans tick, and getting thrown into a rock and roll hootenanny like this one is certainly a ride you'll want to take again and again.

Part of what initially drew me to Cauldron was the silliness of the lyrics, it's hard not to love a song that pokes fun at the genre it conforms to. Somewhere along the line though Cauldron grew up, and though the lyrics are still rather tongue in cheek, discussing dark nights and epic battles, Cauldron have shifted the focus over to their music with stellar results. There's a whole lot more to this band than might initially meet the eye, and there is something very impressive about their solos and speed metal riffing, they perfectly understand the vibe needed to make great speed metal. That being said, the production on In Ruin is not always up to snuff and I often feel like the vocals are turned up a little too loud… it leaves me frustrated, I know how great this band is and I want them to be able to shine.

I think the point I'm trying to make is that when Cauldron are good, they are great. Just look at the chorus of a song like 'Burning At Both Ends' the riff is great and the chorus is epic, but even there, the vocals seem to drown everything out. There is still something very fun about this record though, and in some ways the dry production quality helps to make the album feel authentic. Meanwhile, the chunky palm muted riffs that drive the album forward help to give a solid backdrop for the rest of the music. Toss in a few guitar melodies here and there and you start to get at something that overcomes the production quality and proves that above all else, Cauldron are top notch musicians.

Am I nitpicking? Probably – but that's only because I think that Cauldron have the potential to be a great band – I almost expect them to be 2016's Skull Fist. Cauldron are a band who understand why people like us rock and roll and who have delivered top notch product in the past. Despite everything In Ruin is a damn good record – I just know that Cauldron can deliver so much more. There is still a very real power to Cauldron and it's fun to fall deep into this record and let the music wash over you, I just desperately hope that the live experience will bring out what this record lacks and allow me to fall madly in love once again.


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