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This brutal death album leaves little room for any groove or slam, and is all business in the rolling ball of membrane waiting to burst its abscessed contents in well-timed and meaningful slams


Quick Review: INEFFABLE DEMISE Beyond the Marrow Gates

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Ineffable Demise is a brutal death metal supergroup led by James Shuster, most notably known for his smooth flowing gutturals in Delusional Parasitosis and more recently accepting the vocal duties to Iniquitous Deeds. Backed by musicians who are notable in their own right, Beyond the Marrow Gates has set a new standard for their subgenre. In an already inaccessible area of music, Ineffable Demise takes notes from Defeated Sanity and Putridity in the way of speed and complexity. After roughly 12 listens to this album, I am still trying to tuck my intestines back into my disemboweled cavity. As messy and slippery as this task may seem, the music is only now starting to reveal its true identity. The speed of the blast beats, double bass, churning riffs that alternate from chugging chords to intricate but mushy sounding leading riffs is a difficult task to interpret.

This brutal death album leaves little room for any groove or slam and is all business in the rolling ball of membrane waiting to burst its abscessed contents in well-timed and meaningful slams ("Under City" 1:40, and "Tower" 1:20). This is a great strength, in a way rewarding the listener after trying to focus on the buzz saw speed of the music, then pausing for a rare groove section that brings you back to consciousness just before the pain induced coma commences.

One of my favorite tracks is "Abolition". This closing track has small audio clips, but beyond that, is strictly an amazingly instrumental score that has an incredible amount of groove rhythm to it that is reminiscent to "Suttee" from Defeated Sanity. I would encourage this release for anyone who enjoys the complexity more established brutal death metal bands have to offer. It is a very mature release for a young band, and I look forward to future released.

Score: 7/10


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