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You should hate this band simply based on their name alone. We Butter the Bread With Butter equates to a muscle bound illustrated Fabio on the cover of some Johanna Lindsay novel, but their first full length album to receive a release in the States must be examined and, as the cliché goes, don’t judge a book by its cover.

Set aside the name for just a moment and, musically, WBTBWB have released a few brutal records, so much so that it seemed like they were just trying to prove a point; typical fare for the mid to late aughts, deathcore with a touch of electronic flair. With their latest album Goldkinder this German group decided to latch on to a more keyboard-driven, pop metal sound simulating in some instances of nu metal, but nothing close to the brutality of their two previous full lengths.

This record feels campy, contrived and simplistic, yet the use of their native language, and glimpses into the heavy riffs that turned heads originally still litter the landscape of Goldkinder. A couple of ballads, some groove metal, some industrial, overall a very schizophrenic release. When presented with something so random, it becomes deliberate and purposeful, throwing you through different states of mind and not letting you gain a foothold on their style.

We should hate this band, but somehow they win… they shouldn’t, but something magnetic draws you in and forces you to enjoy it: you shouldn’t but you will. Even if you don’t speak German, you will sing the choruses, chant along and bob your head in defiance of what you know is totally wrong.


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