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The Decibel 100th Issue Show: The Movie DVD Is Worth It For The DVD Commentary Alone

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The Decibel 100th issue show happened at the beginning of this year, and it was a whole lot of fun. I initially wrote my party notes from attending the show live and was curious how the show would transfer the DVD. Very well, it seems.


The main feature clocks in at just under two hours and features multi-cam live footage from all the bands that played that night, Evoken, Tombs, Muncipal Waste, Repulsion, Pig Destroyer and db2013Converge. The sound of the footage and the quality is great.

Intercut with live songs are interviews with members of the Decibel writing staff. It was great to finally put a face to some of the names I've been reading for nearly 10 years, and everybody gives some fun and interesting soundbites. Oh hey, there's even a quick drunk interview with yours truly and Frank. What was I thinking with that hair?


The absolute highlight of the DVD to me is the bonus DVD audio commentary track which features dB editor Albert Mudrain, writer Nick Green, Pig Destroyer's Blake Harrison, J.R. Hayes and Scott Hull. It's basically like heavy metal Mystery Science Theater. It's obvious that throughout the entirety of the audio commentary taping, Blake Harrison gets incredibly trashed to the point where when Pig Destroyer's footage comes up, the most polite thing he could say was "look at my Squatch shirt." He was very proud of it. Harrison makes sure to talk trash at basically every band and person on screen. I got a little scared when our segment was coming up, but thankfully Frank and I were spared. I never thought hearing a bunch of guys getting drunk while watching metal footage could be so fun, but here I was cracking up.


Overall, it was a really fun night and the DVD does a great job capturing the vibe of the night. Besides the main feature, there is a very informative interview with editor Albert Mudrain, as well as a tour of their Philadelphia offices and the people who make the magazine happen. It's a great viewing for any long-time fan of the magazine.

There are only 1,000 copies of the DVD that were printed, so you better hurry your ass up and get one.


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