So, remember a few days ago when Dee Snider made headlines saying he has "no interest" in reuniting Twisted Sister? We here at Metal Injection were confused because our correspondent, Frank Godla, had interviewed Dee Snider a few days prior, and gave a different response.
At the end of the interview we posted earlier today, Frank asked Dee "Will there come a time when there will be, not a reunion, but a collaboration with the surviving members of [Twisted Sister]?"
And Dee responded rather favorably, saying "I can't say that for sure. Me and the Twisted guys, the four of us, are all buds. We talk all the time. We're friends. And that, to me, was the most important thing about reuniting. It was to fix those damaged relationships, that I damaged. You know, I really was just an asshole and I had to fix that. So we did.
"Twisted Sister will always be my legacy. And I'm proud of it. On this album, and on the last album, in the credits, I thanked [Twisted Sister guitarist] J.J. [French], [guitarist] Eddie [Ojeda], [bassist] Mark [Mendoza] and [drummer] AJ [Pero] by name, because I would not be doing any of these things without them. So it will always be the core of my career, for sure."
"As far as getting back together, I would never say never on a collaboration or something. We even talked about – JJ manages the band now, so he's always putting out these 25th, 30th anniversary this, that, the other thing. Maybe should we do a song? Should we add a track? You know, something or other. I could see us doing something together. We love each other, and we're proud of our legacy."
Now compare this to what he said a few days ago on Metal From The Inside:
"[I am] one hundred percent committed to not reuniting. Now, let me just be clear: we're friends. I did a show a couple of weeks ago and [Twisted Sister bassist Mark] Mendoza showed up, and we did 'Under The Blade', and it was awesome. I talk to the guys all the time. I can show you my text messages. We have a little text group, and we were sending messages back and forth.
"To me, that was the reason to reunite, was to fix the relationships, and we did fix' em, and we're friends. I feel we did what we could do without just doing the same thing over. And I wanted to do some new, challenging things that I couldn't do within Twisted. And the solo records I've done I could not have done with Twisted Sister. I could not have done Dee Does Broadway with Twisted Sister — Twisted Does Broadway.
"And I could not have done For The Love Of Metal with Twisted Sister; people would never have accepted it. But as a solo artist, I'm allowed to change and evolve. And some things [fans have] liked; some things they've not liked. But at the same time, I'm allowed; no one's ever questioned [it]. And, again, if Twisted Sister did it, it would be, like, 'Hey, it doesn't sound like Twisted Sister anymore'; it would have been that kind of thing."
Snider noted that he'd still be open to playing a one-off show here or there with the band since that's not really a "reunion", but would never officially reunite and do a tour.
I guess, when Snider was referring to a reunion in the previous interview, he was considering it more as a reunion tour, which Dee does not have an interest in. But, he would be interested in one-off shows or recording new music.
I guess that clears things up. Watch Frank's interview with Dee below.