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Shocking Revelations

EVERY TIME I DIE Guitarist Explains How Spitting Beer In Fan's Eye Saved Her Life In Wild Story

An unexpected twist at the end.

An unexpected twist at the end.

Every Time I Die know how to party and have a great time, and sometimes things can get a little out of hand. The band are currently out on the final iteration of Warped Tour and guitarist Jordan Buckley shared a wild story a fan recently told him.

Jordan shared a series of tweets that we have just compiled below for easier reading. No spoilers, this is wild:

You guys wanna hear a fuckin crazy story?

A lady came up to me and said “I saw you guys a little bit ago, and you spit beer in the air, and I was in front and some got in my eye.” I apologized. Said our shows get wacky, never know what’s gonna happen. I was probably just trying to mimic someone way cooler than me.

She said the next day it was still bothering her. And she thought her eye was infected so she went to the doctor. I apologized 10 more times. Braced myself for a lawsuit.

So she went to the doctor. They did tests. Doctor said she didn’t have an eye infection, she had a brain tumor, but they caught it early enough to perform surgery and remove it.

She said it never would have gotten caught had she not gone in. She then thanked me for saving her life.

Point being… if you come to an ETID show, it could save your life.

I guess the point is very much if you want your life saved, go see Every Time I Die on the final Warped Tour.

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