Stone Temple Pilots are ready for a comeback. It's been a rough few years for the band, with both their original vocalist Scott Weiland as well as their second vocalist Chester Bennington passing away. But the band is ready to bounce back, although they are being coy about with whom.
The band announced a comeback show for November 14th to take place at the Troubadour in Los Angeles. This is an invite-only event for SiriusXM listeners. Subscribers were sent an e-mail for a limited number of tickets to the show, with the winners being picked by random drawing. But who's signing?
The band won't quite say just yet, and plan to reveal it at the show. Will it be somebody known? A new face? Bassist Robert DeLeo told Rolling Stone, "We've been working with someone – I don't want to name names yet – and we're making music. I don't know if he's well-known or unknown; I don't look at him as 'well-known.' But we're writing music and we're hopefully looking at finishing a record and putting it out soon."
Whomever it is… we know for sure it's not Scott Stapp.