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Screw The Music, New ANVIL Album Art Makes It The Album Of The Year

Heaven lost a bong.

anvil 2019

Look, we've given Anvil a good bit of guff here on Metal Injection, but I take it all back. The thrash metal legends will soon release the album of the year. No, I haven't even heard it yet, I imagine it will have a handful of capable thrash tracks. But, the album wins the album of the year nod from me based on the artwork alone.

Look at it…

I mean it! Look at it…

Screw The Music, New ANVIL Album Art Makes It The Album Of The Year

Have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your life? I haven't.

The band elaborated on the concept in a press release…

“We celebrate the legalization of the Anvil bong because Canada changed its marihuana laws last year, which means we no longer sail close to the wind all the time. That’s why the album title announces that Anvil are legal at last." says drummer Rob (not that one) Reiner.

"Our fans have always known that, but the public at large treated us like criminals for a long time.” frontman Steve ‘Lips’ Kudlow adds: “Legal At Last is our way of telling the public: ‘It’s okay, Anvil are okay, you’re allowed to like us at last!’”

Wait a minute, Anvil smoke weed?!?

Legal At Last is out February 14 on AMF Records.

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