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Gates To Hell, Snuffed On Sight, and Maul will be there too!
"Simply put, Headbangers Boat is something that I hope every person who loves this genre can experience at least once in their life."
Complete with a gory icee.
Plus members of God's Hate and Frozen Soul.
The track was also co-written by Heafy.
Check out more videos on Max Volume Silence, video by Frank Huang.
All from quarantine, of course.
Kicking off this November.
Plus releases from Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution, Botanist, Frozen Soul, The Ocean, Rig of Gyges, and Thulcandra
Shout out to our photographer Mihaela Petrescu.
And it has a very personal message.
Featuring Celestial Sanctuary, Nightmarer, Kommand, Gel, Botanist, and more!
Napalm Death, Dark Angel, The Black Dahlia Murder, Obituary, Shadows Fall, and more!
With Terror, Frozen Soul, Fuming Mouth, and Phobophilic.