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AVENGED SEVENFOLD Guitarist Says Band Is In Early Stages of Working On New Music

Avenged Sevenfold have been doing a great job keeping themselves in the spotlight with new material. The band surprise released The Stage in 2016, re-released the record with a bunch of bonus tracks that they kept rolling out in 2017, and just announced a new song called "Mad Hatter" off a coming compilation release. So what's next for Avenged Sevenfold? More material, of course!

According to Avenged Sevenfold guitarist Synyster Gates in an interview with Loudwire, the band is currently figuring out their next steps and are "working on a bunch of stuff."

“We’re definitely working on stuff and I’m really excited about the stuff that we’re working on. We’re not full, in the throes, shoulder to shoulder writing music yet but we’re exchanging ideas and hanging and we’re very much interested … in the brainstorming aspect, the meeting of the minds kind of thing that we do before we write a record."

"We all come together and philosophize and pontificate to each other and just kind of say, ‘Hey, I want it to sound like this. What do you want it to sound like?’ The coolest thing is, we are such on the same page like never before. Our best records and my favorites and certainly the most successful have been where we’re all on the same page. So I’m excited about it. We don’t have much to show for it yet. It’s still early on, but we’re working on a bunch of stuff.”

In related good news for Avenged Sevenfold, vocalist M. Shadows has recently revealed he won't need vocal cord surgery after being diagnosed with inflamed vocal cords.

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