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CANDLEMASS Announces Live Album Featuring Epicus Doomicus Metallicus & Nightfall Performances

For all your doomed needs.


Candlemass has announced their brand new Tritonus Nights triple vinyl live album for May 31. The live album includes performances of both their 1986 debut album Epicus Doomicus Metallicus and 1987 follow-up Nightfall albums in their entirety, plus the pre-Epicus track "Battlecry" for good measure. Tritonus Nights was recorded at the Södra Teatern in Stockholm, Sweden in November 2021.

"Those two nights at the Södra Teatern in Stockholm were amazing! Level of Magic – 200%!" said founding Candlemass bassist Leif Edling. "We sounded great and the god of Doom smiled upon us those cold, but very special November nights. Lights, sound, atmosphere, party, crazyness – all the right elements were there to perfect the Doom stew! And here's the essence of these Magical evenings – TRITONUS NIGHTS!"

Tritonus Nights was mastered by Patrick Engel at Temple of Disharmony and is available for pre-order here.

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Shout out to photographer Rae Chatten.