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CHILDREN OF BODOM Bassist Says New Album Is Done, But Won't Be Out In 2018

"It's done. It's mixed. It's mastered. And now we are just getting the artwork done."

"It's done. It's mixed. It's mastered. And now we are just getting the artwork done."

Children Of Bodom seemed to be aiming to have their new album out later this year, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

According to bassist Henkka Seppälä in an interview with Metal Mad TV, he says the album is done, mixed, and mastered, but it'll probably be out in 2019.

"It's done. It's mixed. It's mastered. And now we are just getting the artwork done. And then we'll just wait for it to be ready for the release. And it looks like it's gonna be next year, so we have to wait a little bit."

Might as well wait for an early 2019 release instead of releasing it super late in the game in 2018. That pretty much precludes the band from year-end lists, which isn't exactly helpful in the promotional cycle. So now we wait.


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