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Could We Finally See A New NECROPHAGIST Album This Year?

Could We Finally See A New NECROPHAGIST Album This Year?

We've heard this song and dance before right? When I interviewed Necrophagist frontman Muhammed Suiçmez nearly two years ago, he promised a new record by the Summer of 2009, when they headlined the Summer Slaughter tour. The tour came and went and all we got was one new song in the set but no release date. Then, rumors sprang up late last year of an April release, and we confirmed that wasn't happening. Here we are, six years after the release of their breakthrough masterpiece, Epitaph and still no new album.

In a new interview with Suiçmez at France's Hellfest, he basically states the album almost done and ready to submit to the label. Here is a direct quote from the interview:

We're wrapping it up right now. We're going to finish it this Summer and we're going to deliver the masters to the label and hope for a pretty soon release date.

Certainly, this is exciting news. If they were to wrap up by August, it would most likely mean we wouldn't get the release date until sometime in the Fall, with the natural progression of setup time for indie releases. Clearly, six years is a long time, but Suiçmez said the last thing he wanted to do was rush the release:

"The way I write music, I probably write music differently than other people. I pretty much engineer the music on sheet music. Also, I'm a perfectionist. That's something I'm not proud of, but it's something that will hinder you from releasing an album year after year. I just don't want to have an album that sounds like the previous one because I want it to be a great experience for me too. That's always how I wrote music"

Suiçmez is already looking into the future as he says he has some ideas for the next album after this one and promises there would not be as long of a gap between the releases:

"I am already having ideas for the album after this one. A lot of ideas I don't want to put on the album because they are on a higher level than I have right now and I thought I should not put it on this album. There is not going to be a big gap between this album [upcoming release] and the following album, so really we could up the ante and see where it goes."

I truly believe we will see a Necrophagist album this year. I have talked to people at Relapse who say it's on the schedule for the year, with a TBD right next to it, so they knew it was coming. Hopefully, there will be a fast turnaround time and we could all sit in amazement as they blow our minds a third time with their genre-defining tunage. Here is the entire 10 minute interview for those interested:

[ via MetalSucks ]

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