During a recent performance, Ghost closed its show as it always does with "Monstrance Clock." The band did not finish the song, Papa Emeritus III was abruptly kidnapped off the stage to the horror of quite a few audience members, and out came… well, not Papa Emeritus IV.
An extremely old-looking Papa Emeritus came out with a cane and oxygen mask and identified himself to the crowd as Papa Emeritus Zero. According to our reader Andrea G., what Zero says in Italian after introducing himself is "la festa è finita, il medioevo comincia ora," which translates to "the party is over the middle age is now beginning,"
So this probably means the new record is either currently being worked on right now, or it's done? Last we heard, the album is tentatively due out April 2018. We've heard the new album will be darker and likely about the fall of civilization.