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In The Studio


"More information will be revealed in the near future."

Dark Tranquillity 2023
Photo via Dark Tranquillity's Instagram

Dark Tranquillity has begun work on the follow-up to their 2020 record Moment. The new record will be Dark Tranquillity's first with bassist Christian Jansson (Grand Cadaver) and drummer Joakim Strandberg-Nilsson (In Mourning, Nonexist), both of who joined in 2022.

"We're very excited to report that the preparations for the next D.T. album are in full progress," wrote Dark Tranquillity. "The songs are getting more and more complete every week as we are tweaking the details and perfecting the riffs. More information will be revealed in the near future, but rest assured that things are sounding great and we can't wait for you to hear the music that we're working on."

So stay tuned, because there's some quality melodic death metal coming our collective way soon enough. In the meantime, Dark Tranquillity vocalist Mikael Stanne has new music with Grand Cadaver and has new music coming up with The Halo Effect.

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