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KRISIUN Details New Album Scourge Of The Enthroned

Out this September.

Out this September.

Krisiun will release their new album Scourge Of The Enthroned on September 7. The album was recorded with producer and longtime Krisiun collaborator Andy Classen, and the album's artwork was done by Eliran Kantor (Testament, Hate Eternal, Incantation). Here's what the band had to say about the new album.

"We proudly present you the cover for our new record! Based on Sumerian mythology, it shows three ancient gods transcending the beginning of creation, represented by the incredible art of Eliran Kantor.

"The sound of this record came out very organic, unlike many of the super edited/digital sounding albums these days. The songs are faster and more brutal than the previous records. Pure relentless death metal in your face!"

Check out the artwork below and keep an ear out for the new single on July 13.

KRISIUN Details New Album Scourge Of The Enthroned

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Shout out to our photographer Smitty Neal.