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Looks Like INSOMNIUM Is Teasing The Plot To A New Album

Or someone wrote a book.


Insomnium was in the studio this past May and now they've posted what appears to be part of a plot for their upcoming album. Which means that hopefully new music is coming very soon! That, or someone in Insomnium wrote a book that they're trying to push through the band's socials. I'm guessing the former, so you should probably start getting excited. The tease reads as follows:

"'The witch is being held in the cellar at the parsonage.'

I followed the men, who carried lanterns. Every breath filled the air with steam in the freezing cold, and a blue twilight had. Descended upon the snowy estate. Rimy spruce tops were glowing under a crescent moon as sharp as a nail's edge.

"'Won't she freeze to death down there?” I asked. A prickly winter breeze burrowed its way under my coat.

"'Listen, young mister, we haven't got proper jails up here,' Bailiff Skytte snarled and glanced at me. His scarred, pox-torn face looked grim. 'We are in the middle of the wilds. A long way from towns and castles. We haven't had the need to detain murderers here.'"

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