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It's been almost a year since we've discussed the supergroup featuring Soulfly's Max Cavalera, The Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato and Mastodon's Troy Sanders. We initially broke the story when Puciato revealed to us that the project was in the works. We've written a lot about it in the past, but it's been about a year since any news surfaced. All three of the members main projects were busy this year with touring and/or releasing new music, but the stars have finally aligned and it looks as though the project is finally about to start recording. Oh, hell yes! 

Max Cavalera spoke to Terrorizer magazine who got the latest update on the advancement of the project:

“It’s going to be cool, we just don’t have a name yet, the name is a pain in the ass to find a name but the music is great. We have been working on this for two years!

Greg approached me kinda like how Alex [Newport] approached me to do Nailbomb in that he was really, really trying to get me to do this project. I told him already I was pretty busy doing Soulfly and Cavalera Conspiracy [and] I was not really looking for an extra thing, but he was pretty insistent and then I just gave up and was like ‘let’s fucking do this!’

“It started with just me and Greg and then we got Dave Elitch – he’s an amazing drummer – and then Greg knew Troy and we asked him to be the bassist so it kind of became a supergroup all of a sudden. We jammed a couple of times and the last jam we did it sounded killer; the songs are really powerful real heavy. It’s hard to describe but I think the coolest thing about this project is that all three of us are going to sing on every song.”

This is such a clash of styles that I am getting really excited to hear what they come up with. I'm sure it will be amazing.

Terrorizer reports the group is currently in LA working with producer Josh Wilbur (most famous for the most recent output from Lamb of God) recording the new material. Could a 2014 release be on the horizon?

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