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RUSH's Alex Lifeson Has A New Band, New Album Out Hopefully This Year

It should be out this summer or fall.

Alex Lifeson, courtesy of Epiphone

Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson is working on his first post-Rush band, potentially titled Envy Of None. Lifeson is working with ex-Coney Hatch bassist and vocalist Andy Curran and vocalist Maiah Wynne on the project, which he said in an interview with Sweetwater started coming to fruition about four years ago.

"Andy approached me about four years ago, shortly after the last Rush tour, about just adding some guitar on some of the things that he was doing. And I did that. A few months later, he sent another one, and did that. And then we started getting more serious.

"And then we found a great singer, Maiah Wynne, from Portland, Oregon — just a fabulous, fabulous voice and a really smart songwriter and vocal performer. So we've basically done an album's worth of material that we hope to release sometime soon. I'm really excited about that."

Lifeson later added that the album is currently being mixed and he hopes to have it out this year.

"We're just working on that part of it. All the music is recorded. We are mixing currently. We're in a good place, but it's very challenging. The industry is so, so very different than it was certainly 10 years ago, never mind last year. We'll see. Hopefully late summer, early fall we might have something. But we are very, very excited about it. It's pretty cool stuff, I think."

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