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SLAYER Now Have Seven Songs Written For A New Album

When they're not busy selling terrible merchandise, Slayer is actually writing a new album right now. A few weeks ago they had three songs done, and today we can report that tally is up to seven. Dave Lombardo posted on Facebook "The King and I have seven kick ass songs for you so far, you're going to soil your pants!!!!"

Allow me to take a moment to say I think it's incredible that we can get updates about our favorite bands via social networks. Imagine getting a telegram from Dave Lombardo in the 80s going "we have seven songs written, with the main one about raining blood," it'd be crazy? Nowadays, not so crazy! God bless technology.

The band hope to be finished writing right before their European tour in May and are hoping to enter the studio when they return, and if all goes well, they'll be done by the time they hit the road for the Rockstar Mayhem Festvial this summer.

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