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THE FACELESS Drummer Alex Rüdinger Has A New Project, ACTING ON IMPULSE

Does a two man project count as a super group? It's super and it's a group, so…

Does a two man project count as a super group? It's super and it's a group, so...

Drummer Alex Rüdinger (The Faceless, Cognizance) and bassist Greg Macklin (Ordinance, Jeff Loomis) teamed up to create their new project Acting on Impulse, which puts both musicians in various roles. Rüdinger takes on destroying the drums as usual along with being a frontman and Macklin takes on guitars and bass along with frontman duties as well, resulting in an extremely interesting end product! Or so it seems from the trailer below.


The EP is titled Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained and does not currently have a release date. You can read Rüdinger's full explanation of the project below via his YouTube channel.

"This is a new project Greg & I are doing. For the record, it is strictly a side project and I do not foresee it being performed live at any point. It's just a project where two good friends are writing together for the enjoyment of making music.

I've been into vocals for about as long as I've been into drums. Lyrics & vocal structure have always been very important to me in a musical context. One day I asked Greg if he had any tunes I could try writing vocals to for fun. It turned out so well that we decided to do a whole EP. We had no expectations going in… hence the band name & album title.

Having an outlet to do something other than drum has been very motivating and inspiring in my aspects. I can speak for both Greg and I when I say we had a ton of fun making this EP. No expectations or standards… just writing what came out naturally. I personally cannot wait to continue working on my vocals and hope to do a lot more of it in the future.

Also, I should just state this now for anyone that may ask… I absolutely did not perform the drums at the same time as the vocals. Originally, I was going to program the drums as they were not on my 'top priority' list of things to do well. My main focus was on the lyrics and vocal structure. But, then I figured that since I play drums and can record whenever I want… I might as well track real drums. So I did. Drum videos will follow. But let it be known, my focus was really the vocals for this particular project."

[via MetalSucks]

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