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THE FACELESS Might Have Two Records Coming Out In 2014

What with all the rumors of The Faceless breaking up and/or losing their bassist Evan Brewer, guitarist and vocalist Michael Kenne has not only dismissed the claims but even goes on to tell us all about their plans in 2014!

Yeah, two records! According to an interview Michael Keene did with

While on tour worldwide for the rest of this year, Michael has a busy 2014 already planned.  He will have a solo record called Slaves and Masters in the works, a new album of originals by The Faceless but what really has him energized is the current project, an all-cover album of pop songs arranged to sound like The Faceless.

“It’s largely taking songs that aren’t necessarily death metal songs and giving them Faceless arrangements which is actually quite a job it turns out,” he says.  ”I’ve been working on that, got three songs done so far.”

We've mentioned that The Faceless were going to do a cover record sometime in the near future, so it's cool to hear the band are actually serious about it… and hey, metal pop! I'm down. More about that:

“I’m taking a slightly different approach than what they did,” he leans forward. “I’m changing the arrangements largely to be Faceless-esque and a little bit further from the originals.  Both obviously are cool and fun but I feel like there’s definitely a certain level of metal that is sort of expected from The Faceless so I can only do these simple arrangements to a certain extent before people start to…

Keene also says that despite the mixed reaction Autotheism got when it was released in 2012, it was the band's best-selling record to date. See? Any press is good press, and man did that record get some press. Keene doesn't say if the 2014 record will be more death metal or progressive, but at least we know we won't have to wait four years for more The Faceless jams!

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